SOIL Ministries is built on the cornerstone of Jesus’ compassionate love shown in the gospel.

SOIL Ministries is built on the cornerstone that Jesus’ compassionate love is neither condemning nor condoning but completely unconditional, as seen in the gospel message from John 8:1-11.

This is not just a parable but a true life-saving story of one enslaved woman caught in her sexual sin. Even though she was guilty of her sin, Jesus saved her from the death sentence cast down by the sinful and hardened hearts of the self-righteous. Jesus, the only one with true authority, did the unthinkable to this untouched heart. He saved her life through His faithful and loving act of grace through the price of His life.

SOIL Ministries is a reminder that Jesus will never forsake the untouched hearts of LGBTQIA+ neighbors. We ask, “Has the Body of believers forsaken Him by abandoning those He came to save?”

The time has come to step out in love, go beyond our conditioned hearts' margins, follow Jesus, and cultivate His love into the hearts of the sexual minorities and their loved ones.


Founder, Karol Adams

Karol is an extraordinary outcast who denied Jesus for years and is now transformed into an obedient and radical disciple of Jesus with a whole new identity.

By opting out, (surrendering self-control, desires, and identity), picking up her cross (be like Jesus), and following Jesus (obeying).

After spending most of her life searching for self-fulfillment and personal contentment in the opposite gender, same-sex relationships, and gay identity, she experienced true inner happiness, joy, and peace from her first love, Jesus. Her appointed life-remaining mission is to teach the good news of Jesus’ redemptive love to those who have ears to hear. Her continuous prayer and hope are for others to hear Jesus’ voice and to share in His hidden treasure.

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
Matthew 13:4

Team Members


Board Members


Crystal Renaud Day
Vice President

CEO & Founder, Living on Purpose/

Crystal is a pastoral counselor, certified coach, author, and speaker with over a decade of experience working with women, couples, and teen girls. She holds a Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling: Life Coaching from Liberty University and numerous certifications in counseling and coaching specialties from the American Association of Christian Counselors. Crystal owns and operates Living on Purpose Coaching & Pastoral Counseling and is the founding director of, an online ministry helping women overcome porn and sexual addiction. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, ABC News, CNN, Christianity Today, 700 Club, and more. Her books include Dirty Girls Come Clean, 90 Days to Wholeness, and Dating Done Right.


Jenny Miller, MAPC

Jenny is a pastoral counselor and ordained licensed minister with over a decade of experience working with women in the area of sexual addiction and trauma. Jenny’s approach is informed by her own personal journey of freedom from an 11-year pornography addiction, a Complex PTSD diagnosis, and surviving breast cancer. She received her BS in Psychology as well as her Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling with an emphasis in Trauma & Crisis Counseling from Liberty University. Jenny completed her internship serving as a domestic supervisor in a residential and restorative program for survivors of sex trafficking in the city of Baltimore. In addition to seeing clients in her own private practice, Jenny currently works full time as a Program Director at a behavioral health agency helping to develop evidence based training curriculum for licensed counselors all across the country.