Anchored Hope is a safe and supportive community for parents of LGBTQIA+ children and adults to find an anchored hope in personal healing, heart change, and renewed faith.

Parents of LGBTQIA+ children and adults are welcomed into a transparent, loving, and supportive community that promotes personal healing, heart change, and renewed faith through their coming out process while finding the freedom to love their LGBTQIA+ family members with truth and grace.

What People Are Saying


When one of our adult children announced to us that they were in a same-sex relationship, our world was shattered and we were confounded.

Our family had always been active in a Bible-teaching church.  Each of our six children had attended Christian school and were later home-schooled.  They were all involved in a vibrant, active, bible-centered youth group.  Most went on missions trips, in high school or college.  Each child had professed faith in Jesus as their personal Savior.

How was it possible that any of them could so completely turn from their relationship with God in such a complete and dramatic way?  How could they betray so much of what had been taught for 20+ years?  How could they purport to have found evidence of biblical support for this errant way of living?  Will there be a wedding?  Will we attend?  If not, how do we try to maintain our relationship with our child?  How is this all going to affect our family unit?

Every question seemed to generate dozens more questions.  We were emotionally overwhelmed.  We could barely speak to anyone else about this new revelation.  We could barely speak with each other about it.  Sleepless nights, mental exhaustion, spiritual anguish, dashed dreams, sobbing prayers, inability to pray – all were our newest ever-present tormentors.

As we were plummeting through the clouded darkness that was now our existence, God brought Karol Adams into our life.  Karol’s passion and compassion helped us to begin to regain our footing.  She understood our devastation and she aided us in understanding those who are drawn into the LGBTQ life.

Through Karol’s scripture-based teaching, our understanding of God’s perspective on homosexuality was reinforced.  We also learned much of what we believed and practiced was violating biblical teaching, and needed to be discarded.  Though our journey never became easy, Karol helped us to once again see the gift of God’s love for all.  She led us to once again see hope.  While this is certainly not a path we would have chosen to take, Karol reminded us that our lives are not our own, and that we are all a part of His Story.

-Jeff & Leesa


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