Loving our LGBTQIA+ like Jesus

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Discover the nurturing environment that is right for you or your loved one.


Like you, we’ve encountered the feeling of isolation that follows broken relationships.

At SOIL we provide healthy and nurturing environments that cultivate empathy through education and relational enrichment that guide you back to a sense of belonging as you embark on your journey of restoration.


Coming Out with Christ by SOIL Founder Karol Adams

Karol spent years rebuilding her identity out of the fragments of a broken family and her confused gender and sexual identity.

Kind Words

“Karol has courageously shared her story in a way that will validate and liberate others through the power of resurrected identity in Christ. This book is authentic and prophetic, comforting, and challenging. Please do yourself a favor and join Karol as she shares her journey; you will find yourself closer to Jesus and better equipped to walk with others who are on this path.”

— Rob Wegner, Author & Leader of KCUnderground

“Karol tells a compelling story. And like every story of God’s redemptive love, it is deeply personal and unique in nature. Each of us, whoever we are, and wherever we have come from, will glean insights and inspiration from Coming Out with Christ.”

— Deb Hirsch, Author, Redeeming Sex; Naked Conversations about Sexuality and Spirituality

“Jesus Himself has asked Karol to share her story as an invitation for everyone, conservative and liberal alike, to see two things: first, Karol wants you to see how much Jesus loves people; second, Karol wants you to see how radically transformational Jesus’ love can be.”

— Brian Phipps, Co-Author, Find Your Place & Founder of Disciples Made


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